Blue Line Advances has a number of features making it appealing for officers seeking to promote. These features include:
- Randomized Test Generation: Once the user starts a test, the software grabs 100 questions from the question bank. It will grab a specific number from each series of the General Orders (100, 200, etc.) so that the test is weighted to certain series. Inside each series, the General Orders deemed more important receive more questions, so that the user is more likely to see "important" General Orders more often, while still seeing everything.
- Test Saving: The test saves automatically every time the user goes to the next question. The user can close the window and re-open it later from the "My Tests" portal, jumping to the first unfinished question.
- My Tests: Each user has a personalized section that lists all their generated tests, whether completed or in-progress. The user can use this information to gauge their progress over time.
- Statistics: The user will have access to a table in "My Tests" that lists their most recent test score and their averages for the last seven days, thirty days, and for the entire test cycle. This table will break down the overall score and the sub-score for each section (100s, 200s, 300s, etc.).