As far as Blue Line Advances, I'm hard at work writing questions. As of this update, I have 1,927 questions written. I have increased my goal to 2,360 questions. Once I get to my target number, I am confident that I will have captured the vast majority of potential questions in my question bank. If I am able to finish this goal in December, I plan on doing a final quality check in January 2018. Uploading will occur through February and March of 2018. If all goes to plan, I should be able to open up for 2018 orders by April. It may be sooner or later, depending on how many of my targets I am able to hit.
Please let me know if there's anything that I can do for you. I haven't been checking my [email protected] email address regularly, but I get back into the habit. It's also out of date as far as titles go, so I might change it.
No one should be studying hard at this point. It's okay to slowly go through the G.O.s, but trying to study hard now will burn you out long before the test arrives. We still have many months left for the active lists. I'll get detailed prediction dates up on the website in the coming months.