I've been diligently updating the questions as the department issues and revises General Orders. Fortunately, none of the recent changes have been substantial - just some minor wording changes. I will continue to update questions for the sergeant and lieutenant tests until early June. They will set a "freeze" date when they announce the books so that they have enough time to print the official copies. Going by previous years, I expect that the "freeze" date will be somewhere around June 8th (assuming they make the announcement for mid-September as expected). Thus, I won't be updating questions past that date until we receive the official test source announcement, which will have the "freeze" date on it. Likewise, I will freeze the commander test around May 25th. Once we receive the test source announcements, I will immediately update any question that needs to be updated.
Some of you have sent me typos and bugs that have popped up. I really appreciate it. I have been able to fix all of them. My question bank is about 180,000 words (roughly the size of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, as a comparison), so there are bound to be some more typos hidden in there. Please continue to send me anything that you see.
In a few weeks, I am going to add a new security feature. In order to sign in or take a test, you will have to supply your device's location to the browser. Any information will be kept confidential and used solely for security purposes. Please let me know if this is a dealbreaker for you and we can discuss a refund. I'll send out more info once it's ready for deployment. This will require a change to the terms of service.
As always, I am open to suggestions for improvement or any type of feedback. I am available anytime outside my normal work hours if you want to discuss questions or the promotional process. Please let me know if there's any way I can help you.